Monday, 1 February 2010

The Proven Secrets that Help Contracting Companies Build Their Business in this Stressful Economy (or Anytime).

So, you want to build your business, but don’t know how? Is it too costly? What do you think is the most important thing on the minds of a homeowner, apartment dweller or business owner when they hire a company to install their cable service, internet service, have their water softener serviced or have their air-conditioning system serviced? You would be wrong if you thought it was the work being done competently and at a fair price. That is the second most important concern. The most important thing to a customer is, “how do I know I can trust the guy coming into my home will not won’t hurt my family or steal from my home?’

So, as a business owner, how do you take care of the very human concern? Here is the simple secret! You need to find a company where you can be reasonably assured it can and does perform a criminal investigation, (and not simply a criminal background check or search), that uses only private investigators to do the investigation. Further, you should make sure the investigation performed by those private investigators includes researching actual court records from every federal, state and county court, right where the convictions take place. This means that the investigation company you hire actually goes directly to those courts to obtain records and that the investigators do not rely on some type of internal database or on an instant search. When you are looking for the criminal background on an applicant, an investigation must be made into where the individual actually went before the judge. That is not on the internet, it is not in a data base and it is not over the phone. It must be obtained by that investigator straight from the court.

The second simple is that you need to make sure that the company you hire uses a verifiable tracking system for every service tech that goes into a customer’s home or business and that the service tech must wear a photo identification badge with your logo on it. The investigative company you hire must also have a system where the customer can actually see the service tech’s face and lack of criminal history found, before he shows up to the home or office. These features create good faith and a sense of security for the customer. With this kind of a system creates positive word of mouth to spreads quickly to happy customer’s friends and family. Now you have completely calmed the fears of the customer regarding your service tech coming into their home. In fact, that customer is going to be excited about the caliber of the person you are sending to their home to do the work. Remember, the customer has the right to expect a crime free service technician.

How do these simple secrets help you make money? With these secrets you are in a superior competitive position. You have Crime Free Certified service techs, whether they are employees or sub-contractors. You let your perspective clients know that you demand the best and you will get the best. Market the program in every one of your letters, invoices, on your websites, yellow pages, associations, advertisements and marketing programs explaining that all of your service techs are Crime Free certified. With these tools you blow all of the competition out of the water. It should only cost between $50-100 dollars to get a proper criminal background investigation. As the Contractor you get the advantages of a cleaned up work force, you have less theft, less absences and get all of the benefits of lower liability that crime free employees and sub-contractors bring. You win in every way.

About The Author:

J. Denton (Denny) Dobbins is Nationally and Internationally recognized as the world’s leader in Premises Liability Protection and has been featured across North America sharing the stage with Political Leaders, Police Celebrities, Administrators and Business Leaders. Since 1978, Denny has been involved with the detection and deterrence of Criminal Activity in properties and employment of all types.

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